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How to Upload Newegg Invooce for Manufacturer Warranty

Maybe this explanation will help:

To "upload" means to send a file to a remote server. This tin can be done using an FTP client (a plan) or many companies volition accept a web-based file transfer method. A file tin also exist sent as an email attachment if it isn't too big.

From the little yous've written, it sounds similar the company has provided a web-based file transfer. The upload control should have opened a window showing your ain hard drive. You would and so navigate to the file you desire to upload, select it, and click "Open". Then there should be an Upload or Transfer button to click. Without knowing exactly what y'all're trying to transfer and to whom, that's as specific every bit I can become.

MS-MVP - Elephant Boy Computers - Don't Panic!

Elephant Male child Computers - Don't Panic!

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Perhaps this explanation will help:

To "upload" means to send a file to a remote server. This tin can exist done using an FTP customer (a plan) or many companies will have a web-based file transfer method. A file can too exist sent every bit an email attachment if it isn't likewise big.

From the little yous've written, information technology sounds similar the company has provided a spider web-based file transfer. The upload control should have opened a window showing your own hard bulldoze. You would then navigate to the file you want to upload, select it, and click "Open up". Then at that place should exist an Upload or Transfer button to click. Without knowing exactly what you're trying to transfer and to whom, that'due south as specific equally I tin get.

MS-MVP - Elephant Boy Computers - Don't Panic!

the receipt and documents are coming from *** Email address is removed for privacy ***

how can I go them from my email above to the email on this estimator?

I am an old lady trying to learn how to do this. I am not totally computer literate. please help

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PatriciaTaylorWG --

You responded to a 5 twelvemonth old mail from a person who has not appeared in this forum in at least several years.

In addition, your issue doesn't seem quite the same equally the one originally asked.

Information technology sounds equally if you received an email with a receipt and some documents attached and yous want to send them to someone else.

It'due south not clear what yous mean past "go them ... to the email on this computer."  Do you take more 1 calculator?

The process of sending email that you received to someone else is chosen forwarding.  All email systems have a means to do this.  Either use the Aid office of your email programme or identify how you send and receive email and someone here should be able to assist.

Volunteer Moderator
MS MVP (Windows Desktop Experience) 2006-2009
Microsoft Community Correspondent (MCC) 2011-2012

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I will endeavor to be more specific about my problem.  I purchased an item from Verizon with a bonus promotion.  I am required to upload the receipt that I was given, then submit it for getting my bonus.  I'k sorry to carp you, merely I just don't understand the uploading part when I take a concrete document that needs scanning....I think.

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If you accept a physical document, complete it every bit necessary and then scan it and save as a pdf file.  Yous of course will need a scanner to do this.  The software that comes with your scanner should tell you how to save every bit a pdf file (if it doesn't reply with the make and model of your scanner and nosotros'll try to look it up).

After yous have the scanned file on your computer, you either email it to the vendor or use the vendor's "upload" page.  Those details depend on the particular vendor and website.  Again, if you can't figure information technology out, reply with details.

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MS MVP (Windows Desktop Experience) 2006-2009
Microsoft Community Contributor (MCC) 2011-2012

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