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Book Review to Kill a Mockingbird Answer Key

This To Impale a Mockingbird Unit Test (PDF) contains 23 comprehension questions, twenty literature questions, and 6 short response prompts.  Print this assessment every bit-is or use the To Kill a Mockingbird Examination Maker for a wider selection of customizable exam items.

To Kill a Mockingbird Exam (48 questions, PDF)

To Kill a Mockingbird Unit Exam SAMPLE

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    • lxx Recall and Comprehension (To Kill a Mockingbird multiple choice questions)
    • 53 Literary Knowledge and Analysis (To Kill a Mockingbird multiple option questions)
    • 28 Short Answer (To Kill a Mockingbird questions and answers)
    • 17 Extended Response Prompts
    • 1 Answer Central

To Kill a Mockingbird Unit Exam (sample)

Note: In the interest of exam security, the sample does non include an answer fundamental.  An answer key is provided in the consummate resource.

Department 1: Recall and Comprehension questions (multiple-choice)

I like to kickoff with the questions that volition build confidence for anyone who read the volume faithfully.

  1. Which choice identifies the time and identify of To Kill A Mockingbird ?
    • 1900 in Georgia
    • 1935 in Alabama
    • 1955 in New York
    • 1965 in Virginia
    • 1985 in California
  2. Harper Lee wrote and published To Kill a Mockingbird during the…
    • Slap-up Depression.
    • Women'south Suffrage (right to vote) Movement.
    • Temperance Movement (to make drinking alcohol illegal).
    • Civil Rights Movement.
  3. Who tells the story of To Kill a Mockingbird ?
    • Jem
    • An unknown being
    • Atticus
    • B. B. Underwood (a reporter)
    • Spotter
  4. Watch, Jem, and Dill like to pass complimentary fourth dimension by…
    • Building forts and castles.
    • Preparation animals.
    • Playing board games and card games.
    • Acting out stories.
  5. Boo Radley is infamous (famous for a bad reason) for…
    • Stabbing his father with scissors.
    • Crashing a machine into the pharmacy.
    • Leaving his meaning wife.
    • Voting Republican.
    • Assaulting African Americans on the street.
  6. One of Dill's key graphic symbol traits is his…
    • Bad temper.
    • Bravery.
    • Cruelty.
    • Honesty.
    • Imagination.
  7. Atticus Finch's approach to parenting is best described equally…
    • Strict and severe.
    • Lazy and disinterested.
    • Unpredictable and moody.
    • Agreement and patient.
  8. Atticus tells Scout and Jem that to kill a mockingbird…
    • Is allowed because they bear disease.
    • Is a sin because they are harmless.
    • You lot must call back like a mockingbird.
    • Yous must exist smarter than a mockingbird.
  9. What offense does Jem commit in To Kill a Mockingbird ?
    • Stealing from a store
    • Driving without a license
    • Breaking and entering (into the library)
    • Vandalism (dissentious property)
  10. Atticus reaches the conclusion that Mrs. Dubose was…
    • Evil to the core.
    • A very brave person.
    • A very kind person.
    • Blaming others for her own bug.
  11. In Affiliate 12 Calpurnia decides that she will have to first calling Jem…
    • Mister Jem.
    • Saucy male child.
    • Detective Holmes.
    • Jeremy.
  12. Who shows backbone in standing upwards to the lynch mob?
    • Tom Robinson
    • Sheriff Tate
    • Dill Harris
    • Atticus Finch
    • Maudie Atkinson
  13. Aunt Alexandra tries to teach Spotter…
    • To play piano.
    • To sew.
    • To act like a lady.
    • Gymnastics.
    • To fight.
  14. During the trial, Atticus asks Mr. Ewell to demonstrate…
    • How he entered the firm.
    • How well he tin can see.
    • How he signs his name.
    • How he mixes pigment.
  15. In court Atticus acts differently in that he is…
    • Energetic and loud.
    • Aroused and combative (ready to battle).
    • Funny and charming.
    • Pull a fast one on question! He acts the aforementioned every bit he ever does.
  16. The kids cannot picket the trial because…
    • Calpurnia keeps them at home.
    • Atticus sends them to Uncle Jack's.
    • Kids are not immune in the courtroom.
    • Fob question! They do sentinel it.
  17. What did Tom Robinson recollect of Mayella Ewell?
    • He hated and avoided her.
    • He felt deplorable for her.
    • He thought of her "like a daughter."
    • Trick question! He did not think about her at all.
  18. Regarding Tom Robinson's death, most of the town blames…
    • Atticus Finch.
    • The "country folk."
    • Judge Taylor.
    • Tom Robinson.
    • Sheriff Heck Tate.
  19. Which of these topics does Scout learn near in school?
    • Native American cultures
    • Baking
    • Atoms and molecules
    • Nazi Frg
    • Greek Gods and Goddesses
  20. Aunt Alexandra is specially concerned with…
    • Artistic accomplishments.
    • International news and events.
    • Family unit backgrounds.
    • How much money people make.
    • Getting women to vote.
  21. What does Scout dress as for Halloween?
    • A ham
    • A tree
    • A wizard
    • A mummy
  22. How does Jem salve Boo Radley's life?
    • He finds the prove that sets him free.
    • He uses his training to terminate the bleeding.
    • He runs for miles to get assistance.
    • Play a joke on question! Boo Radley saves Jem.
  23. Because of the trial, the town votes to change…
    • The way they select jurors.
    • Some restrictions on African American residents.
    • How cases are brought to trial.
    • Trick question! Nothing officially changes.

Section 2: Literary Cognition and Analysis (multiple-choice)

Here are some questions that I would include in a To Kill a Mockingbird Unit Test.  I certainly desire questions on symbol, betoken of view, historical context, construction, and word choice.

Linguistic communication Arts Standards

  1. To Kill a Mockingbird fits within the genre (blazon) of…
    • Memoir.
    • Biography.
    • Autobiography.
    • Narrative fiction.
  2. Which choice represents a THEME TOPIC of To Kill a Mockingbird ?
    • At that place are unlike forms of courage.
    • It is a sin to harm the innocent.
    • Understanding others
    • Y'all should always be yourself.
  3. Which option is an authentic THEME STATEMENT of To Kill a Mockingbird ?
    • Incorrect perceptions
    • The importance of family
    • There are unlike forms of backbone.
    • Segregation and racism
    • The all-time way to abound up
  4. The references to birds and animals are mainly used as…
    • Characterization.
    • Irony.
    • Symbols.
    • Dialogue.
    • Plot events.
  5. Which of the following is NOT an element of the setting of TKM ?
    • It is during the Peachy Low.
    • It is a tight-knit town where people know each other.
    • Women are viewed and treated differently than men.
    • Most people are confused about the segregation rules.
    • Most people see organized religion and morality as of import.
  6. "An oppressive odor met us when nosotros crossed the threshold, an smell I had met many times in rain-rotted gray houses where at that place are coal-oil lamps, water dippers, and unbleached domestic sheets." This quote is an example of…
    • Imagery.
    • Disharmonize.
    • Symbol.
    • Motif.
    • Irony.
  7.  The story about Jem and Mrs. Dubose'south flowers is an example of…
    • Rhetoric.
    • Subplot.
    • Foreshadowing.
    • Allusion.
    • Sound device.
  8. Which of these characters from the novel is the most dynamic?
    • Atticus Finch
    • Bob Ewell
    • Jem Finch
    • Dolphus Raymond
    • Maudie Atkinson
  9. "Jem gave a reasonable description of Boo: Boo was nearly 6-and-a-half feet tall, judging from his tracks; he dined on raw squirrels and whatever cats he could catch, that'southward why his hands were bloodstained — if y'all ate an animate being raw, you lot could never wash the blood off. There was a long, jagged scar that ran across his face up; what teeth he had were yellow and rotten; his eyes popped, and he drooled well-nigh of the time." This excerpt is mainly an instance of…
    • A plot outcome.
    • Label (of Jem).
    • Symbolism.
    • Allusion.
    • Sound devices.
  10. The fact that a whites-but school celebrates Egyptian culture is an case of…
    • Symbolism.
    • Foreshadowing.
    • Irony.
    • Characterization.
    • Onomatopoeia.
  11. Part I of To Kill a Mockingbird is kittenish and full of wonder; the author has established….
    • Attitude.
    • Mood.
    • Setting.
    • Figurative linguistic communication.
    • Credibility.
  12. The bespeak of view of the novel is…
    • First-person, limited.
    • Third-person, limited.
    • Third-person, all-seeing.
    • Second-person, reductive.
  13. Which selection all-time represents the construction of To Impale a Mockingbird ?
    • The story is in the present tense and does non flash back or forward.
    • In that location is a unmarried master plot that gain from beginning to center to stop.
    • There are no main plots. The novel is a serial of episodes.
    • The construction is complicated by parts, parallel primary plots, and subplots.
  14.  "'You're left-handed, Mr. Ewell,' said Gauge Taylor.  Mr. Ewell turned angrily to the gauge and said he didn't see what his being left-handed had to do with information technology, that he was Christ-fearing man and Atticus Finch was taking advantage of him." This is mainly an example of…
    • A symbol.
    • A plot consequence.
    • Irony.
    • Figurative linguistic communication.
    • A setting.
  15. Which theme connects the flowers of Mrs. Dubose, Miss Maudie, and Mayella Ewell?
    • Men tin be cruel.
    • Life tin end unexpectedly.
    • Discover joy in living.
    • Be positive, and good things will happen.
  16. Which character is Least represented by the symbol of the mockingbird?
    • Aunt Alexandra
    • Watch Finch
    • Tom Robinson
    • Boo Radley
  17. The main theme of To Impale a Mockingbird focuses on…
    • Coin.
    • Finding your identity.
    • Innocence.
    • Telling the truth.
    • Familial (family unit) love.
  18. The unique way that the characters and/or narrator speak is chosen…
    • Dialect.
    • Figurative language.
    • Sensory details / imagery.
    • Sound device.
    • Monologue.
  19. Which option is NOT an example of hypocrisy in the novel?
    • Miss Gates denounces (argues against) Nazi rule.
    • Jem'southward class celebrates the Egyptians.
    • The town re-elects Atticus later on the trial.
    • No white people will hire Helen Robinson.
  20. Which choice is Not an example of a primary source?
    • A letter
    • A photograph
    • A textbook
    • Artifacts (objects)

Section three: Writing Prompts

I selected 6 of the 28 To Kill a Mockingbird questions for this sample.  I selected one short answer prompt for each of the following: theme, point of view, symbolism, structure, historical context, and word pick analysis.

To Kill a Mockingbird Short Response

Theme : Lee packs To Kill a Mockingbird with messages about life. Place 1 of the small-scale themes (anything virtually the innocent or growing up are out) and explain how Lee develops it.  Which plot events, characters, etc. develop this small theme?

Point of view : From what point of view is the story of To Kill a Mockingbird told? Is information technology a first-person or third-person narrator? Is the narrator limited in noesis or omniscient? What effect does this indicate of view have on the telling?

Symbol : The mockingbird of the title is symbolic. (Shocking!) Explain the symbolism of the mockingbird. What does it correspond? How does Lee imbue a bird with and so much significant? What is her purpose in creating this symbol?

Structure : Lee develops the principal plots of To Impale a Mockingbird in parallel (together and at the same time). Identify the ii chief plots and explicate how they are developed together.

Historical context : To Kill a Mockingbird takes place during the 1930s, but it was published in 1960. Briefly explicate how the novel connects to realities and events of the 1950s and 60s.

Discussion choice : Analyze this excerpt about Jem returning to the Radley firm in terms of word pick. Use give-and-take choice vocabulary.

"It was no utilize. I unlatched the back door and held it while he crept downwards the steps.  Information technology must have been two o'clock. The moon was setting, and the lattice-work shadows were fading into fuzzy nothingness. Jem's white shirt-tail dipped and bobbed like a small ghost dancing away to escape the coming morning. A faint breeze stirred and cooled the sweat running down my sides."

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To Kill a Mockingbird Unit Exam PDF cover

To Kill a Mockingbird Test Maker contents:

168 To Impale a Mockingbird Questions and Answers PDF

168 To Kill a Mockingbird Questions and Answers DOCX (Word or Google Docs)

  • Comprehension Questions (seventy, multiple-choice)
  • Language Arts Standards (53, multiple-choice)
  • Brusque Response (28)
  • Extended Response (17)
      • Analyze Theme Development
      • Analyze Connected Themes
      • Scout's Bespeak of View
      • Point of View inTo Impale a Mockingbird
      • Points of View and Irony
      • The Mockingbird: A Famous Symbol
      • Lee's Other Symbols
      • Analyze Symbolism in Poetry
      • Analyze Symbolism in Narrative
      • Write Narrative Using Symbolism
      • Outline One Plot
      • The Complex Structure ofTo Kill a Mockingbird
      • Connecting Plots into a Construction
      • Fact and Fiction
      • Historical Context andTo Impale a Mockingbird
      • Lee'southward Way: Word Selection
      • Argument: ShouldMockingbirdWing Abroad?

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